Pardon Me, Your Blog is NOT Showing

WordPress bloggers! You know that little square of your face that shows up whenever you like or comment on a post? It leads to your Gravatar profile.

I like to click those squares. I’m a voracious reader like you, and idly sifting the depths of WordPress is rarely disappointing. It’s also a good way to get yourself seen; that square is a tiny invitation saying “Hey, your stuff is epic, come check out my little corner and we can be epic together!” (Aren’t I corny this morning? So much Fanta!)

But there’s one problem.

Fellow bloggers, half your profiles don’t contain a link to your blog! There‘s no breadcrumb to follow back to your corner!

I was amongst these until this week. After clicking several squares and batting low for links, my slow brain thought to ask, “Hey, does my profile contain a link back to my blog”? I clicked my square, repressed an ambushed shudder at the weirdness of my full-res face, and looked down. No link. Garn. How many people have wanted to find me (for some strange reason) and couldn’t?

Now, I suppose if someone wanted bad enough to find my blog, they could use Google. But the rule of thumb with marketing or social media is, make it easy. We’re creatures of least resistance. Most people will just give up a task if it isn’t convenient.

So I took the following easy steps:

  1.  Click the profile link in the top right corner of your WordPress page (the one to the right of “Write”);
  2. Scroll down to the “Profile Links” section
  3. Click the “Add” button and then “Add WordPress Site”
  4. Check your blog and click “Add Sites”

Easy as that.

Maybe some of you have no blog at the moment, or just prefer to leave no trail. You’re probably also knowledgeable on good prices for bottled water and ammunition. But for those who would like more visitors, well, here’s your public service announcement. Hope it helps.

Have a good one. And stay off Facebook this weekend; it might help your blood pressure.

25 thoughts on “Pardon Me, Your Blog is NOT Showing

  1. Brandon, Thank you for directing others to add their sites to Gravatar profile. Another suggestion for keeping up with blogs that we follow is to check the Reader at the top left of our Dashboard. This is easier for me than depending on a email message. Have a blessed week-end. ~ Fran

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Good post. It is a challenge I noticed amongst a few of my readers. I even had to communicate the observation to one regular commentator of my blog at a point in time. It just didn’t occur to me to address it via an open post like you just did. Thank you for taking the lead.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. You crack me up!!! Do this old lady a favor and let me know if you can’t find me, would you, kind sir? (I know what you mean, however, as I click on the photos often and can’t find anyone’s blog site listed!)

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Such great advice. I also had to follow your awesome instructions to see if I had my blog linked properly. I did, but I realized I could add a little blurb about myself. I also discovered the hovering gravatar cards — never realized this was possible in the comments until now. THANKS !!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Brandon,

    I’m not very savvy. But I noticed recently instead of my profile picture, a Gravatar was in its place. So I just followed your instructions. I don’t know what changed or what this will do.

    I’m opened to tips.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: Blog Profiles and Follows PSA – Shattered in Him

  7. Pingback: 5 Tips for Christian Bloggers on WordPress | Brandon J. Adams

  8. Pingback: Appreciating my Top 25 Likers | Brandon J. Adams

  9. “that square is a tiny invitation saying “Hey, your stuff is epic, come check out my little corner and we can be epic together!” (Aren’t I corny this morning? So much Fanta!)”

    I loved this! Typically when I have moments like these, I blame coffee. 😀 This post was helpful. However, I’d like to ask, do you happen to know how to change the settings specifically concerning the Gravatar picture? I’m still relatively new to all this and haven’t figured it all out yet. I added a Gravatar pic around my third published post but the pic ended up appearing in every header image on my blog and it was awful (it was like an accidental red dot on a beautiful black and white image; yuck!). I ended up removing the image just so it wouldn’t do that.

    Liked by 1 person

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