Jesus says you are WORSE than you think you are, and there lies HOPE.

It’s not popular theology, and it doesn’t naturally put butts in pews, but it’s actually the best news out there.

Enough Light

*Trigger warning* While I keep things as vague as possible (and the news article just states the facts) please don’t read the news article if you’d rather not. The title alone may be all you can stomach: Man gets 60 years in prison for trying to sell 4-year-old daughter for sex. Most of this blog post will move on from this initial news story.

GK Chesterton is often remembered for his remark that:
“Certain new theologians dispute original sin, which is the only part of Christian theology that can really be proved.”

Chesterton saw it as the one doctrine that could actually be verified by the observation of human behavior and history. I agree. How some can deny human sinfulness is beyond me. We are all sinful, and need a Savior. Yet many people, even Christians, can struggle with this doctrine. Many insist than humanity is really good at heart…

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3 thoughts on “Jesus says you are WORSE than you think you are, and there lies HOPE.

  1. Was just reading a quote that said the Bible’s message is worse than we’d like to think in regards to our sin but so much better than we think in regards to our hope. Thanks for this!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. GK Chesterton is often remembered for his remark that:
    “Certain new theologians dispute original sin, which is the only part of Christian theology that can really be proved.

    Ha! Isn’t that the truth?

    One thing many people don’t realize, often the worst thing you can do is try to boost people’s self esteem, convince them they’re good, they’re special. That creates this very isolating psychology that keeps people separate from the rest of the human race and also makes people feel worse. It often leads to problems like addiction. Confronting the truth about who we are and what our issues are is freeing, healing,and Jesus did come to set the captives free.

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    • Well said insanitybytes22!! Thanks for reading my post. “Often the worst thing you can do is try to boost people’s self esteem.” I agree. I actually have a chapter in my book on self esteem. It can can be traced back to occultic, non-Christian beliefs from the 19th century. “Confronting the truth about who we are…” – Yes! Yet too many people, even Christians, want to evade, deny, rationalize their sin.

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