How to Let Go of Our Christian Heroes

This week’s news that Senator Ted Cruz (or, supposedly, whatever staffer runs his Twitter account) liked an X-rated tweet reminded me of this post. I’ve got nothing against Cruz. He’s a fantastic Congressman who probably did no wrong. But it’s striking how many conservative voices are refusing to consider even the possibility that a hero of theirs might slip up.

Brandon J. Adams

walkingThis week, Jen Hatmaker stepped in it.

The popular progressive Christian author and speaker, in an interview with the Religion News Service, stated she believed that “gay relationships are holy”.

Before I offer my stance on this*, I want to talk about something else: our reaction.

For as soon as I read Jen’s words, a swell of something hit my chest, and I wasn’t sure whether it was a response to Jen’s doctrine, or pity for her.

The moment Jen made her claim, you knew what was coming. She’s been hit with a tsunami of harsh rebuke from every corner of the earthly church. Smug responses, in some cases, like this from the Christian satire site Babylon Bee. Piling on. Without the nuance of face and voice, I can tell you that this wave of response has already struck some people as self-satisfied, angry, and alarmist – everything Christian millennials (like…

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11 thoughts on “How to Let Go of Our Christian Heroes

  1. Good mornin Brandon 😃

    I don’t look up to any mortal leader. Ted Cruz, Trump…whoever They’re all sinful like us at best, and operatives of Satan at worst.
    And we ought to demolish every statue and monument to man that exists as well.
    And no doubt about it buddy, gayness and gay unions are an abomination.

    And good mornin to you

    Liked by 1 person

    • “He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.” Proverbs 18.13

      I hereby rebuke myself, and ask you to please forgive me brother. I answered the subject of your post without clicking the link and reading the article.

      May I please make a couple of points please?
      As to politicians, I honestly don’t care for any of em. I’m not saying to disobey authority, or rebel against government or anything like that, because I know that God appoints leaders. But I only believe in the Lord, not men, that’s basically what I was trying to communicate.

      And I read your article, and you wrote it very well.
      That’s a real danger that all of us are susceptible to…Making excuses for errors of our favorite Christian teacher when they promote heresies.

      No doubt buddy, we all have to be watchful of that.

      And once again, please forgive me for my sin against you. I was wrong, and I deserve rebuke.


      Liked by 2 people

  2. Sorry by accident
    When you wrote But every once in a while, he gets criticized. (Everyone does.) And in my antsy mind, those criticisms threaten to negate, not just him, but the work God has done in my life.”
    I think you identified a very good reason not to follow man. And one of the reasons we feel obligated to defend those we admire even when they’re wrong.
    Several Christian leaders over the last few years have made the same decision Jen H has made. They have allowed their emotions to overrule the truth of God’s word.
    The only thing I can say to that is first of all we need to pray for them and second the decision they have to make as will they follow Christ, for the culture of this world

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Pingback: Brandon Shares Great Wisdom | Robin Luftig

  4. Pingback: The Joshua Harris Fallout: Purity’s Real Destination | Brandon J. Adams

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