My Blog Has a Facebook Page!

Yeerk. I hate self-promotion. I really do. This post will probably get deleted after a little while.

But it’s part of the job when you’re hoping to write a book. A little-known secret of authorship is that you must first prove your ability to market yourself, because publishers simply don’t have the resources to do it for you. If you’re going to compete for their attention, you have to show a ready audience.


Hey, loyal followers! This staccato, semi-coherent blog now has a Facebook page! I use it to pass on thoughts and lessons God’s giving me (they all come from him) that don’t qualify for a blog post. But also to link to blog posts.

If you have surrendered to Facebook and would like to toss out a Like for it and its posts, I’d be super grateful. Here’s the link…

Now back to your regularly scheduled frantic Fourth of July preparations. I was never here.

12 thoughts on “My Blog Has a Facebook Page!

  1. I completely understand! I wrote a book several years ago and just self published through Kindle. It did ok. But I was horrible at promoting it because of insecurity aka pride. 😣 I’ll “like” your page! You can do all things, through Christ, who gives you strength!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I walked away from Facebook about a year ago, now. The stress it added surpassed the benefits. I didn’t shut it down or close anything. I just stopped opening it.

    I am at that stage now where I have to figure out what I’m going to do with it.

    I think for your book and blog, it’s fine. It’s necessary to get yourself out there to a degree. Nothing wrong with it. Just don’t tie it in with a personal FB page. Best wishes! I love reading what you write.

    Liked by 1 person

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