No More Apologizing for the Faith

miracleSomething stunning has happened at our church.

The story has been rising towards climax for months as our congregation wearied itself in prayer. This month, it was finally confirmed.

Until I’m given blessing to share more, I’ll limit the facts to two: it is unquestionably miraculous, and many have come to a powerful, swiftly mature faith in Jesus Christ through it – such that our firmly grounded Baptist pastor has compared it to “something out of the book of Acts”.

Sorry to be a tease.

But one thing on which I can confidently speak is what this miracle has done in my life: thrown into a sharp relief a wall in my heart. One built of a composite of materials, one that I let block me every time I consider sharing my faith in Christ. A wall of apologizing.

Apologizing for bad churches.

Apologizing for cosmically tough questions.

Apologizing for the idea of sin.

Apologizing for the ugliness of certain corners of my political party.

Apologizing for the cliches we throw around.

Apologizing for difficult doctrines that require great objectivity and surrender to consider.

Apologizing for others’ suffering and unanswered prayer.

Apologizing for the way God hasn’t made himself as evident as he could.

Apologizing for my flaws, which I fear disqualify me.

Apologizing, apologizing.

And so rarely sharing.

I do believe God is patient and has answers for these things – or comfort when answers cannot come.

But if I allow these considerations to suppress my witness of the very Jesus who claims victory over these things, to leave me walking on others’ eggshells, then something is off.

I’m afraid of what others will think.

It’s no more complicated than that. I fear reprisal. The loss of friends. The assault of a world that won’t abide the Gospel’s aroma. That unspoken instinct is really what’s at the bottom.

So I tiptoe. I trade in a mincing, eggshell-treading testimony that’s trying to placate rather than confidently proclaim.

There’s nothing like a miracle to jolt your faith. Jesus has taken a running start, lowered his head, and smashed through my hesitation like the Hulk through a twenty-foot clay bulkhead. Where is your boldness? he’s asking. In light of this incredible happening, why do you hesitate?

To those who do not yet know Jesus, bring your doubts and questions and worst mistakes if you must, but Jesus is real. He moves. He delivers. There is no difficulty to which he cannot respond with power, wisdom, and comfort. There is no sin you can mention that he is not willing to forgive.

So…you will be hearing from me. I’m now further than ever in my life from being able to keep silent. Even if I never get to share more about this particular miracle, I have others to tell of. He is real.


I’m glad you tuned in today. If you found this post to be of value, please feel free to share it on social media. Thanks a bunch!

21 thoughts on “No More Apologizing for the Faith

  1. Amen. Another young man telling me a story last night as he had stopped by, how he had responded strongly to someone who continually berates him for his belief while living an unrepentant, sinful life. Basically, “Enough, and no more.” I asked him how he thought Christ sounded when he spoke to the pharisees and sadducees, calling them a “brood of vipers”. That didn’t come out gently, I’m pretty sure. Maybe the day we have long waited for is here…and we will no longer be hiding in our upper rooms, for fear. Let the day come. Let it come. And let us be found pleasing the One who bought us with His life.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Yeah, Jesus didn’t put up with trap questions, either. I do want to respond honestly to those who are seeking, or even to those who have fair critiques of Christians and have been wounded, but at some point my faith needs to be hold despite all that.

      Thanks for the comment!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Amen! I can’t wait to hear what it is. And so to not be like Thomas too much, I will give God thanks and praise for whatever His glory was before you, despite if I ever know more or not! Keep going in your boldness. People desire to see us as Christians be SURE of ourselves. We are so busy tip-toeing that we seem like we don’t even know if we believe it.

      Liked by 3 people

  2. Amen! meaning ‘in truth’, you speak, Brandon. Why/when do/did we get this defensive to apologize.. I think it’s out of fear, doubt of all the things you’ve mentioned.

    God works in mysterious ways to get us to think, experience His love. When we truly seek truth, He gives abundantly, opening our senses to receive. His awesomeness comes through and we’re able to see things differently, experience things differently. He is the Spirit in us connecting to our doormat spirit, caused by doubt and misunderstanding the truth of creation.

    We’re born with the spirit of rebellion active in us. Take a rattle from a baby and that baby cries a tantrum out of fear of not getting it back, rebelling your authority to do so out of love, (taken away for feeding or bathing, etc.) and he’s just a baby who doesn’t understand the reasoning behind it. Fast forward to adulthood, unless we understand God is Spirit, God is love, God is the author of creation our understanding is marred with deception and we rebel.

    There are rules in place that make everything work in harmony, shake those rules and the system alters. God didn’t create evil, evil was first found in jealousy, in envy, in wanting adoration (worship) by the one who was unhappy with his station and wanted God’s seat of authority. Had he gone to the Father regarding these negative feelings things might of been different but instead he chose to lie, chose rebellion. Freewill was given to everyone to think for themselves, love freely not of obligation or we’d all be robots. God’s not the cause of unhappiness, but let’s it happen to alert our spirit and through us others. To wake us to see the reality of the altered state of disorder brings. Yet the Father offers us a precious gift in Christ who opens our senses to truth awakening our sense of belonging not rebellion.

    The miracles we get to witness, experience ourselves changes our perception, changes our outlook, reinforcing our belief is not in vain. As i believe happen to you.

    The fears, doubts are in-breaded in us from birth, only our faith in the Word, continual fellowship with Christ and love for God can change old habits to reflect His goodness, to others and ourselves. Miracles happen to strengthen that inner faith, when we’re willing to see it, when we’re willing to let go of perconceive ideas. We see the beauty in creation that speaks of God’s love. Even our getting up each morning is a miracle.

    Looking forward to reading the miracle you witness that solidify your faith. And
    Thank you for sharing the bit you did, that got me going on with my own thoughts, (🙄as always longer then i intended, lol).
    Be blessed, our Lord is awesome!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. My God.. what a blessing it was to read this! My faith has been strengthened because of it. I’m so grateful you shared! Thank you!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Isn’t God good?! He knows just what we need and when we need it. I cherish the trials, joys, miracles and overcoming that have given me fervor for sharing the Good News. Seven months ago, my husband and I were given the opportunity to minister to children full time, and this experience has opened more freedom in sharing Jesus. Thank you for this encouragement to share Him, and leave the apologies behind.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Great message! I’m glad to hear that I’m not alone with that temptation to apologize for the faith.
    One thought jumped out at me: “Apologizing for the way God hasn’t made himself as evident as he could.” He has made himself evident: He became a man and died for our sins. I think that’s not the God most people really want, though. Many people (perhaps even many Christians) do not want a God who shows that His power is perfected in human weakness, and that the wages of sin really is death. How many of us want to remain in control of our lives and find excuses that our sin isn’t really that bad?

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’re right – man wants more than God is willing to show. But he has his reasons.

      It boils down to this – God has made himself just evident enough so that both the skeptic and the believer can make their choice reasonably. Therefore, it comes down to our choice, which is where God always directs brings things back to.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I appreciate your post and encourage you to be bold in sharing your faith and speaking truth in love. Such apologies are unnecessary and lies of distraction the enemy uses. Also you don’t have to have an answer for everything. The life you live will bare witness to Him. I pray you are sensitive to the discernment of the Holy Spirit and listen intently for His guidance when confronting someone about their sin or approaching them with the gospel. Sometimes, often times even, it’s less about the lip service and more about living our life in surrendered obedience to Him. Love God and love others. I’m a firm believer that truth will pour out if it’s being poured in (aka soak yourself in the Word). He spoke through a donkey, there’s no doubt if you’re willing He can and will speak through you too.

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