Single and Feeling Like God Doesn’t Care?

I’m sorry for the lack of original posts lately. I’ve been slammed with a new evangelism venture I’m trying to put together (more details later). More new posts will come soon.

In the meantime, I keep seeing hits on this post, so I figured I’d bring it back for a while. May God delight someone with his truth today.

Brandon J. Adams

thinkingOne of WordPress’ analytics tools, labeled “Search Terms”, shows us the search words by which others are finding our posts (though it doesn’t specify which post).

Most of the time, for (I think) privacy reasons, Google hides the actual search words and just says “Unknown Search Terms”, but occasionally the actual words show. I’ve seen “losing friends” (which presumably led someone to this post), “being godly and sexy” (I’m guessing this), a surprising number containing the phrase “last minute” (which probably all led to this), and some hilarious non sequiturs that aren’t at all appropriate to share.

On Monday, this one popped up: “single and feel like god doesn’t care”

My heart broke.

Illl never know who, out of 7.5 billion people, was led to my site by that search. I can only hit my knees and pray that God helps them.

Because I know what that…

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